Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Pastor Kurt Birky

It is not a new question but it is one that has stumped Christ followers and emboldened skeptics over the centuries. “Why do Bad things Happen to Good People?” 

The theological answer is actually quite simple. They don’t. There are no good people.

Or perhaps this answer from noted theologian R.C. is more accurate, “That only happened once, and he volunteered.” Sproul, was of course referring to the only truly good person in all of human history, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was the only good person to whom bad things happened and he willing accepted the consequence of the sins of humanity.

Often times when faced with hard questions there is a theological response (accurate) and a pastoral response (addressing the heart concern). The response that there are no good people seems cold and clinical. We have simply reframed the question and arrived at a more logical outcome – bad things happen because we are bad people. What else should we expect?

A Biblical belief of humanity holds that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We are all sinners, who have boldly and frequently rebelled against the sovereign God of the Universe. We have no defense, no recourse for our actions. But simply and harshly, we deserve any punishment that the offended, Sovereign God of the Universe would allow or send our way.

That is a harsh truth that many inside and outside of the faith find not only uncomfortable but distasteful. But simply looking at it from a legal perspective. We have sinned against an infinite God. Legally he has every right to punish humanity to the full extent of the law. 

So maybe the really mind-boggling, hard to figure out, illogical question we should be asking is, “Why does God allowgood things to happen to bad people?”

Why did God create breath taking beauty in this world? Why can the sight of a majestic peak just after dawn take our breath away? Why did he create a beautifully colorful bouquet of flowers? Why did God create loyal canine companions? Delicious food to explore, create and discover? Why does He often paint the evening sky in brilliant shades of purple and orange?

Why does he allow the joy that can be found in a babies smile? Or a loved ones embrace? Why did He make sex pleasurable? Friends who care for us, pray for us, love us? Why did God give us creative minds, to express beauty through oil and brush? To tell glorious stories that move us deeply? Why did He birth the idea of music in the deep recesses of our minds? Give some the innovative inspiration to craft sweet and bold sounding instruments. For poets to craft a turn of phrase that captures our deep longing and His deep truth?

Why are there moments of joy in life all? 

Why do good things happen to bad people?

If we have all sinned and fallen short of His glory – why is there any good to our existence?

The answer to that question is simple as well. Because God loves us. He wants good things for us. All of the bad, heart-breaking painful and evil things in this world are trespassers. They don’t belong. We all long for the good things, because that is what our Creator made us for. 

Even by asking the question, “Why do Bad things Happen to Good People?” the most ardent skeptic is acknowledging a truth that lives deep in the core of our being… bad should have no place in creation. 

Sin is an unwelcome invader into the good world that God created. All of humanity longs to get back to the Good and expel the bad.

Next time you wonder “why are bad things happening to me?”, take a moment and ponder an alternate question, “Why does God give good things to sinners?” Remember that we even though we deserve to be on the wrong side of his judgement, Jesus volunteered and took on the punishment we earned.

God has given us good things and He promises an eternity that we long for…one without bad things.
