The Christ, Luke 2:21-40

December 26, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Luke 2:21–40

Mary and Joseph celebrated the birth of their son, Jesus, but others too would recognize that he was their long awaited Messiah. God’s plan for redeeming his people from sin was now before them and they responded in praise. As his people today, we declare our Messiah’s arrival and bow to him in adoration and praise. The light of the world has come, and salvation is available to all who would believe.

Sermon Points:

I. Committed parents. Luke 2:21-24

II. A patient man. Luke 2:25-35

a. Joy. Luke 2:28-32

b. Wonder. Luke 2:33

c. Division. Luke 2:34-35

III. A devoted woman. Luke 2:36-38

IV. The Christ. Luke 2:39-40

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