Campus Independent Weekend

RR: A People of God - 1 Peter 2:9-10

September 3, 2023 • Matt Ferrell • 1 Peter 2:9-10

SW: A Call to Love - 1 Corinthians 13:1-7

September 2, 2023 • Kevin Feldotto • 1 Corinthians 13:1-7

WH: Partnering Together in Ministry! - Acts 5:17- 6:7

September 2, 2023 • Andrew Reichart • Acts 5:17- 6:7

MO: We Are the Church - Philippians 2:1-11

September 2, 2023 • Andrew Gearhart • Philippians 2:1-11

How do we know if we are faithfully existing as the Church God had always intended for us to be? In Philippians, the apostle Paul reminds the Church at Philippi that unity, selflessness and a Christlike mindset are necessary to live as Christ. These same principles are crucial for each of us as we choose to Be the Church today.

WH: Hope in Desperate Times - Mark 5: 21-43

May 13, 2023 • Andrew Reichart • Mark 5: 21-43

RR: A Promise of Hope - Isaiah 35:1-10

May 13, 2023 • Matt Ferrell • Isaiah 35:1-10

SW: Son of David - Luke 18:35-43

May 13, 2023 • Kevin Feldotto • Luke 18:35-43

MO: Sheltered in the Security of Hope - 2 Kings 6:15-23

May 13, 2023 • Andrew Gearhart • 2 Kings 6:15-23

WH: Lessons from Daniel for Our New Life in Christ - Daniel 1

February 18, 2023 • Andrew Reichart • Daniel 1

SW: Signs of Life - Romans 12:9-21

February 18, 2023 • Kevin Feldotto • Romans 12:9-21

RR: New Life - 2 Corinthians 5:11 - 6:2

February 18, 2023 • Matt Ferrell • 2 Corinthians 5:11 - 6:2

MO: Celebrating New Life – Mephibosheth - 2 Samuel 9:1-13

February 18, 2023 • Andrew Gearhart • 2 Samuel 9:1-13

MO: Harvest Minded - John 4:1-42

November 26, 2022 • Kurt Birky • John 4:1-42

Jesus crosses cultural barriers to bring his saving truth to an outcast woman. This ‘chance’ encounter also serves as an object lesson for his young disciples – to see that there are opportunities all around them to grow the kingdom of God through everyday encounters.

RR: Paul's Final Words - 2 Timothy 4:9-22

November 25, 2022 • Matt Ferrell • 2 Timothy 4:9-22

WH: True Community - Mark 2:1-12

November 25, 2022 • Tyler Woolley • Mark 2:1-12

God desires community with us and for us to be in Godly community. However, Godly community doesn’t always come naturally or easily. Mark 2 is a strong example of how we may need to go out of our way to love people around us.

SW: True Community - Romans 12:9-21

November 25, 2022 • Kurt Birky • Romans 12:9-21

Living in community with others requires work. The framework that Paul lays out for us in Romans 12 is the only way we can experience true community but it doesn’t come naturally. The rewards of following God’s design for life together are beyond measure.

MO: Why Do We Suffer? - John 11:1-46

September 5, 2022 • Kurt Birky • John 11:1-46

SW: The Goodness of God - Psalm 73:1-28

September 5, 2022 • Kevin Feldotto • Psalm 73:1-28

WH: Zacchaeus in Hiding - Luke 19:1-10

September 3, 2022 • Andrew Reichart • Luke 19:1-10

WH: Engaged with the Body - I Corinthians 12:12-20

July 1, 2022 • Andrew Reichart • 1 Corinthians 12:12-20

RR: Yet I Will Rejoice - Habakkuk 3:17-19

July 1, 2022 • Matt Ferrell • Habakkuk 3:17-19

MO: Certainty in Uncertain Times - John 20:11-29, 21:1-6

July 1, 2022 • Doug Olsen • John 20:11-29, John 21:1-6

SW: A Fruitful Endeavor - John 15:1-8

July 1, 2022 • Kevin Feldotto • John 15:1-8
