Glass Half Full

Thinking Biblically when Life is Hard.

Thinking Biblically When Life is Hard

The bible does not turn a blind eye to the difficulties of earthly life and David, King of Israel, a man after God’s own heart, was very familiar with them. When things are hard, there is a great temptation to turn from God. In the Psalms, David presents another way forward; he chooses the path of faith. With so much that is wrong in our world, it can be easy to doubt God’s goodness. Over the next four weeks, we will seek to learn from David’s experience, and instead think biblically when life is hard.

Living Confident, Psalm 145

May 14, 2022 • Josh Lindstrom • Psalm 145

David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14). It is rather fitting then, that David’s final Psalm is not one of lament or concern, but a victorious song of praise. As followers of Christ, we recognize that storms will come but confidently assert that we are built upon the rock (Mt. 7:24), and consequently choose to worship him and thank him for his deliverance.

Trusting Now, Psalm 142

May 7, 2022 • Josh Lindstrom • Psalm 142

David was alone. His life was in great danger and his spirit weak. When we feel isolated and disconnected there is a great temptation to turn inward or to those things which only bring further pain. David chooses to trust in God in the moment: “With my voice I cry out to the LORD; with my voice I plead for mercy to the LORD” (Ps 142:1). Though we may feel abandoned by all others, we know he will never leave us or forsake us.

Looking Forward, Psalm 63

April 30, 2022 • Josh Lindstrom • Psalm 63

David was on the run... He is separated from fellow worshippers and the future is uncertain. In the midst of his trial, David turned to God for help and in faith looked forward to his deliverance. For the follower of Jesus Christ, even the most challenging of trials can be used by God to grow our confidence and trust in him. Instead of focusing on the trial itself, we set our eyes upon him and our future hope.

Owning Sin, Psalm 51

April 22, 2022 • Josh Lindstrom • Psalm 51

David sinned grievously. He had committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba and then had her husband murdered. The prophet, Nathan, confronted David and rather than try to cover it up, David owned his sin and sought God’s forgiveness. When life is difficult, our first step should be to turn to the Lord, confess any sins, and seek the joy of our salvation once more.
