Kenya Cure Hospital- Day 4 (Thurs.)

Today (Thursday) was a very good day! We started off our day by going to staff chapel. It was so cool to worship God with the CURE staff! Will and Graham lead an awesome devotional and everyone kept telling them they should be pastors. We split into a few groups, the group I was with hung out with people in the ward and played with the kids. I got to paint lots of mom's nails. After that, my group got to watch some surgeries! Abby and I got to help with the casting process and watched one of the surgeons do some minor surgeries. It was so awesome to see! After another delicious lunch, we got back to work. Taylor, Abby, and I helped in the kitchen and did lots of dishes. Other groups hung out with the kids and did laundry. We had ward fellowship, which included some worship in Swahili and amazing grace, a Jonah and the whale skit, and me leading a devotional. It is crazy to think that we only have one day left at CURE. It has been such a blessing to spend time with everyone here!

-Hannah Toven

P.S. To my family: I love and miss you so much!!

- Hannah Toven