Our last day

Being flexible was a major goal for this mission trip, and that goal was met this morning. We were originally planning to do a morning project with Genesis Project, but that was canceled, so we slept in about an hour later than normal.

     After we woke up we went to the breakfast that the hotel generously provided to us. When finished eating we did our morning devotional by John. We then walked to a nearby park and wrote letters to our selves. Since we didn’t have a morning project, we spent most of the morning in the park. Our team didn’t bring a baseball or a bat, but, since there was a baseball field we got creative and played Invisible Baseball. Some other people also played volleyball and Frisbee. 

     When we were finished at the park, we walked back to the hotel to eat our lunches and change into our swimsuits. The pool that was a major part of the movie The Sandlot was where we swam for two and a half hours. Football was played, slides were slid, cannonballs were jumped, and skin was burnt. Playing at the pool was such a fun experience and way to close off the trip.

     Once we finished at the pool and changed back into dry clothes, we drove to Genesis Project to finish out the VBS that we volunteered with. Many of us shadowed groups, some of us danced on-stage, and a few of us were co-leaders to groups. We then debriefed and went back to our hotel. A late night, yes, but a rewarding day.

     We are so grateful for the wonderful opportunity that this trip has been, but we are also very excited to come back home tomorrow and tell all of our stories to you.

    See you soon!

- -Hannah, Hosanna, Annie, Ashley, and Mila (A.K.A. The HAM Sandwiches)