Zambia 2024 - Day 3
So the hyped-up spaghetti dinner made by Rhett and Jesse gets a solid 9 (one point off for the time it took to make and the slight fish smell even though no fish was being cooked)…
In all seriousness, today was such a joy to experience!! we all woke up and enjoyed a breakfast of toast and eggs as a team. After breakfast, we took pictures all dressed in our Sunday best, and spent quite a bit of time learning some church songs for kids. The following hours of the day were constantly sprinkled with the catchy song “Sanctuary”. then we all hopped in the van with our incredible driver Chile and drove to the United Church of Zambia. we got to experience a very different church service than we are used to, but what a beautiful thing it was! The prayers were full of hope and love, and the singing sounded straight out of heaven. we all looked at each other in awe struck with chills as we listened to voices fill the church, and although we didn’t understand the lyrics, the presence of God was still so present. once the service ended we all jammed out and danced to the choir music and met so many kiddos!! we all had really amazing interactions with kids who attended the church, all of us were so happy talking and laughing with them! on our car ride back from church we all raved about all the conversations we had with the kids and people at the church. then we went to lunch and all got to enjoy time with each other and the staff! after lunch, we all shoved aside our inner people pleaser and braced ourselves for the marketplace. all of us bargained our butts off to get souvenirs for cheap prices, and many of us succeeded. after we had gotten our precious souvenirs we headed into the super market and ran around getting food to stock up for our week of meals ahead. then we headed back to home where we ate dinner, laughed, and bonded over shared testimonies!! God is so good and we are all so grateful for such an amazing Sunday!
By Karli Wilson

- Karli W.