Zambia 2024 - Day 2
We made it!

Today we woke up with an amazing sunset out our windows, which was a great way to end a long 11 hour flight. When we arrived to joberg we found a spot to put our stuff and some of the team members went to get a late lunch, (some were not feeling good) it was quite delicious. We learned a very fun card game which was very confusing but that was kinda the point of it so… after a short delay we boarded a bus to board the plane to Lusaka. The flight was only 2 hours but felt so short since we were used to 9 and 11 hour flights. We were very kindly welcomed to Lusaka by Lillian and chile and after a stop at KFC we arrived at the hospital. We can’t wait to see what the Lord does with our time here! - Jesse L.

- Jesse L.