SLC travel day! We have arrived!

Blog day 1. Today we got to the airport and we had a long day of travel but we made it.  There was some hiccup with the rental vans but overall our day was uneventful which we were thankful for.  We had lots of people ask us what our group was doing and it was exciting to share with them our plans for the missions trip.  We got to the hotel and then we walked down to a park and ate in-n-out. We had an amazing connection through a devotion, debriefing, and worship.  It was so cool to sing worship songs outside, quiet ourselves and prepare our hearts for the week ahead. Each group took turns talking about what today brought and goals for the week.  Unfortunately, the pool in the hotel was closed so our amazing and awesome leaders let us play in the sprinklers at the park! Now we are settling down and getting ready for a good night of sleep to get ready for the amazing day ahead of us.  Tomorrow we head back into Salt Lake to work with Alfred and while we don’t exactly what we will be doing we are preparing for hard and hot work. Please pray for energy, health, and that we will minister well and love well this week. 

- Eva, Emmy Jo, Emmy, Heidi, Karaline