Zambia 2024 - Day 1

What day even is it…

Well, we don’t know, but we are having a blast nonetheless! The Zambia team has undergone a large day of travel. We started our journey with a 9 hour flight from Denver to London. We began our flight by exploring the many entertainment venues on the plane TVS. Ella and Rhett quickly began competing in a game of 2048, while Jesse and Noah battled in a game of Monopoly. Ella and Jesse won their games, and celebrated their victory for the rest of the flight. Next, we partook in the savory in flight meal: British Airways chicken and mash, which led to a deep sleep falling over most of the team for the rest of the flight. We soon arrived at the London airport where we spent our 8 hour layover exploring and playing card games. We are currently boarding our second to last flight, and are eager and excited to arrive in Zambia!!

- Ella Bracht