Peru 3!

 Good day fellas. Last night we had our second service at Espana. We had the great opportunity to share the gospel with most of the village. We started off with some worship and slowly more families from the village heard and decided to join in. Then during worship the pastor decided to join in and sing some of their worship songs. We could all feel the Holy Spirit moving that night and being able to worship not even knowing what they were saying as they sang in Spanish. Then we had our message, debrief and went to bed. The next morning we woke up early to head on over to the next village. This time instead of a 4 hour boat ride we were blessed with only a 30 minute ride. Once we got to Frontera the next village we set up our sleeping arrangements with the boys having a bungalow which was super cool. Then spent some time with the children. Making bracelets and getting destroyed in some volleyball. We got the chance to talk to some locals and workers who are making a school in the village. Getting to know them was a great experience and dive deeper into their culture. While some of the kids made more bracelets and balloon animals. Then we ate a late lunch at 2ish then headed back to the camp before we go to play a soccer game with the locals trying to get some wins for U.S.A. for its Independence Day!! Happy 4th from your family in Peru! 

Here are pics from the last few days that we haven’t posted.





- Logan and Bodie for the team