Mexico Day #5

Today was another beautiful day in Mexico! We started the day off with breakfast and a devo from Copey. Then helped our ministry partners film for their missionary school video before moving on to work projects. These included digging another hole, watering the trees that were planted yesterday, and helping mow and repaint a play set. After that, we toured the ranch and saw the various animals kept there. We got to go up the lighthouse and pick mangos. Then it was lunch where we enjoyed a yummy lunch. We headed up to another village for VBS. We danced, acted out the story of Esther, passed out crafts, face painted, and painted finger nails. This was a great opportunity to practice our Spanish and connect with some of the kids there!! We had dinner of hamburgers and fries. We finished our testimonies and heard 4 of our ministry partners in Mexico’s testimonies. 

Until tomorrow!

- Emily for the team