Montana #5

After a freezing morning yesterday and a cold night, we woke up to a nicer morning. As was the case with previous days, the morning started with a daily devotional. This time from the book of Numbers focusing on the need for the Israelites to keep their eyes focused on God, a message that is valuable for us too at this point in the trip. After the devotional, the team focused on three projects: painting animals on the walls of the Head Start Preschool, restoring the Mennonite Church, and teaching and executing the VBS. Throughout the entire trip, one thing that constantly resonated with the team was how much the people of the Northern Cheyenne Nation felt hurt from years of traumatic history. Yet, this only resonates with how much more they need to learn of the genuine love of Christ. While like with everything there has been challenges, at the same time there were many positive outcomes. There were 50 plus children again at VBS who learned about Christ, and more importantly, there was the opportunity to see genuine connections develop. During men’s night, men from our team had dinner with some men of the community and kept building the relationship through quality time and good conversations. Also, some male students from the VBS came to the event for dinner and companionship. Each day we are here, we are planting seeds to help the Gospel grow in Lame Deer.

- Kyle for the team