Fort Collins 2024 - Day 1 (a day late...)

Today we left for Fort Collins. We thankfully had a safe van ride up with lots of great bonding and conversations. During the van rides we were able to learn more about the people we don’t know and those who we did. Once we got to the Genesis Project we immediately started getting to work. We unloaded the trailer and worked on setting up VBS. This consisted of unloading tons of decorations and experiment to make sure the kids could have the best possible time. After setting up the VBS we started to help around the church and pull weeds around the building. Although this may not seem like the funnest activity in the world it was actually really enjoyable. We were all in groups and doing certain sections of the area. This was a great time for team bonding. There was lots of conversations whether deep or more joking ones. As well as the occasional fun mess around. 


Then Andrew the youth pastor here at Genesis Project came in and shared his testimony with us which was very powerful and gave more of us confidence to share our testimonies. He showed us such an amazing perceptive on how even though someone’s life has been so hard and there’s been so much generational sin that Jesus can still redeem them and change their life for the better. 

Soon after that we went to a beautiful lake where we parted over so many things like the city of Fort Collins, the healing and helping of others, sharing our testimonies, and people receiving our service. After our prayer, we went back to the church and shared some of our testimonies


Although today was filled with lots of being in the van and setting stuff up there was still tons and tons of connection within the team. In the few moments where we had 10 minutes to spare the team was able to have bonding time whether it be through conversation or simply playing kick ball in the gym. There will surely be even more time for the group to get closer and more connected throughout our time this week.

- Paige, Emma S, Natalie on behalf of the team