Mexico Day #4

Day four in Mexico was another amazing day, despite some bumps in the road. Some members (5) of the team woke up feeling sick (including myself), some with stomach pain, and others with sore throats and coughs. Those of us feeling up to it, went to breakfast and enjoyed delicious breakfast quesadillas, and fresh pineapple. Then we walk around base to see some animals! After that we went and got to work, some decorated the chapel for graduation, planted trees, and others dug holes for the roof being built. After hard work, God blessed us with an afternoon of rest, most of us went and napped. After a few hours we got ready and headed to graduation. They sang songs, gave awards, and finally graduated the seniors. It was very cool to see. We ate dinner, and enjoyed hilarious conversations with our amazing translators. Then we had a few more testimonies shared, and some amazing worship. Our team would greatly appreciate prayer for health and healing in our last few days here. Overall today was an amazing experience, and we are all grateful for the restful afternoon we had. 

Goodnight from Chiapas 

- Taytum for the team