Nashville 2024 Day 6

We woke up bright and early at 6:20 after having a bee situation in our room last night. Then we had a scrumptious breakfast. Then we headed to proclamation church to start the 4th day of kids week. Once all the kids were picked up we had lunch and then heard Annalea’s testimony. After that, we headed to Christ for every nations church and began working there for the last time. We helped organized the donation room and moved broken asphalt into the dumpster while screaming from cicadas. We got sonic slushies which were delicious but ended up with lots of stomach aches and then we headed back to proclamation for dinner which was also delicious. We were able to throw a parents night out and watched a bunch of kids so the parents could have a night off. We had tons of fun and watched frozen and sang along to every song. Lastly we did debrief, heard Elissa’s testimony, and then headed back to the hotel to sleep. 


- Sadie & Noelle