Nashville 2024 Day 1

Hello everyone! Today we started our days off bright and early at 5:00am to be at the church at 6:00 am to pray over our trip and say good bye to the parents that weren’t car pulling and headed off to the DIA. Once we got past security( which literally sucks) we did some “surfing” on the under ground train that takes you to your gates. We all got some food and played spicy uno (which is so fun!) then we boarded our plane and headed to Nashville! Once we landed we could feel the humidity but you could also feel the excitement from the group of us that are on the trip! We got our rental vans and headed to the hotel and got situated in our rooms. Then we went to chick-fil- a for dinner and on our way there my van listened to Disney music! We came back to the hotel and did devo and went over rules. Then ended our night with some people in the pool and some people showered. we are so excited to go to proclamation church tomorrow and you will hear about it tomorrow! 


- Isabelle Welty