Malawi July 2019 Final Day

Today was our last day at the hospital. We went to breakfast and then went to our devotion groups for Bible study. Two of the devotion groups went to worship with kids and their parents and pray with them. A few people from our group went to go see a surgery in the operation room while others prepared crafts for the kids. Those preparing crafts also got to watch the casting of club foot. Both groups met up for lunch and cake in the conference room.
After lunch, the children came in to color a lions mane and tell the story of Daniel in the lions den. Some of our group did a skit for the children and then we played until it was time to say goodbye. We said goodbye to the kids, staff, and parents. Innocent, our driver, drove us to the market to buy Malawian goods to bring home. We went out to eat for dinner at 21 grill with Ezekiel, the operations director of CURE. We drove back to our houses and discussed our highs and lows for the day. It was a day to remember, filled with joy and fun.

Hannah Richmond

- Hannah Richmond