Salt Lake City July 2019 Day 6


Biruk Douglas - We got to talk to many different people today and hear their testimonies. We did a lot of driving today all around the Salt Lake area. We passed out food to some people that is picked up from the local Costcos and donated. It was a fun day. 

Caroline Callaway - My day was probably one of the best days out of the week because we got to hear at least five peoples testimonies and how they came to know Christ. Also, we got to help Alfred unload food from his van, and we bought pizza for kids at apartment buildings so they could be blessed! We also have them the extra soda we had for dinner the other night. The thing that stood out to me was when we were in the park, Zoe and Greydi had asked to take some of there extra lunch over to a homeless man and women, so I went with them. It blessed me so much when we gave them the food because they seemed super grateful and blessed because of a small action. So Kirby asked them for anything that we could pray for, for them and the man said he needed a pair of socks. It was a good thing that Kirby had an extra pair of socks in the van because the man’s feet looked like they could use a pair. So Kirby gave him the socks, (and yes, they were clean😅) and Zoe, Greydi, and I gave them our extra ice cream. I could definitely see God working through us to help out the homeless! 

Colton Clark - It was very inspiring to hear a lot of testimonies and learn about how no matter how far you stray from God, He will always forgive you. We went to the International Peace Garden, and it was wonderful to spend time in prayer and spiritual peace.

We are sad the trip is coming to a close, but thankful for all that God did this week. 


- Biruk Douglas, Caroline Callaway and Colton Clark