Zambia March 2019 Day 5

We started the day with All Staff Chapel where our Woodmen team was introduced to the 100 staff at the hospital. Pastor Andrew gave the message with a talk from the book of Daniel addressing the topic on self-leadership. He shared how our behavior puts our values on display and that we need to be brutally honest with ourselves about the areas in our lives where we need to grow. The worship was rich and passion of the staff to learn was clearly evident.

Pastor Andrew and his wife Tami along with team member Randi Woyshner were able to do drive out into the bush to do a home visit of Krispen and his parents. Krispen had both club feet surgically cured through six procedures over the past year. 

Club foot repair (cropped).jpg

The team continued their daily visits to the families in the ward and lead the children programs each afternoon. The children and students loved it! The relationships with these families continued to deepen as the week went on. The openness and opportunities to discuss spiritual matters were significant and deeply impacting to both the families and the team. It was a mutual experience of God working through those connections.

more kids (cropped).jpg

Pope and kids (cropped).jpg

Tanski and kids (cropped).jpg

- Andrew Reichart