Nicaragua #5

It is day five of our trip to Nicaragua and the team has established strong heart connections with the Posoltega church staff and the community they are serving.

For the second time on the trip our team made visits to homes in the community. At one of the homes we met a mother from the church congregation whose six-year-old daughter was born with hydro encephalitis. The mother’s testimony to God’s faithfulness in her life was powerful. She acknowledges that having a family that has followed Jesus for multiple generations provides encouragement to put her dependence in the LORD and rust his faithfulness. The team was able to spend time with her, shower her daughter with affection and pray over them.

The afternoon featured faith focused stories using puppets. As a team we were also privileged to serve the children who are part of the OrphaNetwork feeding program lunch. The lunch is the only meal most of the children receive each day. Thanks to some global funding from Woodmen to ORPHANetwork the Posoltega church is able to feed over 175 kids Monday-Friday all year.

- Jim for the Team