Estonia Mission Trip - Fusion Team

We’ve been in Estonia for a few days now. While here, we’ve participated in workshops, connected with campers, and prepared for the Fusion concert.

In our workshops, we have been learning alongside the campers about mixing music, singing, playing many different instruments, and self-defense. We’ve learned the Estonians love music! Many of the students are passionate about singing, dancing, and playing instruments. Some of the kids love to hug everyone they can, just to show friendship and adoration. For them, “hug time” is the best time.

We’ve enjoyed some of the unique foods they have here. They’re fans of oatmeal or as they say porridge, soups, and recipes that include potatoes.

Every day, we participate in small groups and have awesome conversations with the campers about the teaching sessions. It has been a great time to get to know them better! On the wall of the cafeteria, we have put up pages called “My Fusion Space” where we can leave encouraging messages and gifts for campers, team members and other leaders. It’s been an awesome bonding experience for us and we can’t wait to share everything we’ve experienced once we get back!

- Deb Brown