Day 5 - High School Estonia - Jillian Trowbridge
We saw God show up in so many ways today. Today Austin delivered the messages, and we talked about Good News for relationships, especially with fathers, and Good News for community that serves and accepts one another. The worship this week was so surreal, with Estonians and Americans singing and playing instruments together to worship our Lord. We heard two new songs today that really spoke to me: Suffering Servant and My One Comfort by Modern Post. Gillian put together energy ball recipes that we had making (in cups, not liters!). And they were still really yummy even though the food processor broke down (apparently American appliances don’t work with high voltage Estonian outlets). Next, we had the option of games or crafts, and I chose crafts, which was a huge hit. Another big shout out to Gillian! People made some seriously good friendship bracelets and nailed together string art on wood. The feeling was mutual when Austin exclaimed “This is the hardest thing I’ve done in a while and I’m a firefighter”. But the satisfaction of the finished product was all worth it! Throughout all this, God has been answering my prayer about being able to memorize and pronounce names (since Estonian names are especially hard to pronounce). Not only have I gotten to know the Estonians and Ukrainians better, but I feel like we have bonded so much as a mission team already. Small groups started off short in duration and shallow in topic, but now they are much deeper and longer. God has broken down that “high first wall” and the Estonians are opening up to us! The Ukrainians saw that Iris’ air mattress kept deflating, and even though they have nothing, they gave Iris one of their air mattresses! Also, one of the kids who is more reserved went with his small group to the store and asked to pay for the stuff the group got. When Tyler announced that instead he (Tyler) was going to pay, Rannar said to one of the guys in his group, “He’s a cool guy”. This is pretty much the first time he actually talked without being asked a question! It’s so inspiring to see the Estonians from the local youth group here as well. They are sweet to everyone, help us translate, and so faithful and passionate about the Lord. My favorite part of the day was definitely the talent show. There were TWELVE acts, all from singing and dancing and skits to rapping and card tricks. What amazing talents God has given the students here!
With all this busyness, I was getting a little distracted and overwhelmed by the end of the day. But I remembered Matthew 6:33 - “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”. So I spent some intentional time before bed praying and reading the Word, and I felt much more peace. Can’t wait to see what God has in store for us today!
- Jillian Trowbridge