HS Kenya 2022 Day 6
What a wonderful last day! Today, we split up duties, some in the playroom/ ward where we made Rainbow Loom Bracelets and did Jonah the Whale crafts. Others participated in the kitchen work again, doing dishes and serving lunch in the ward. The rest worked in the workshop that makes special shoes for club foot and other foot/ leg deformities. It was a wonderful morning getting to watch many kids get discharged to go home and giving it our all for the last day.

During lunch, we got the wonderful opportunity to listen to Lydia, the Nursing and Quality director's testimony. She has a beautiful story of faith and trust in the Lord to keep her from any temptation. She has so faithfully served Him and is learning more about who her perfect Father is every day. We were so blessed to hear her story.

In the afternoon, we said our goodbyes to everyone we have had the opportunity to work with this week, and heard from Pastor Victor about CURE's yearly numbers (how many people reached, given surgery, etc.). It is so amazing to hear all the work CURE does on a daily basis and the long lasting impact they are making. Then, we attended our final fellowship time in the ward. We had a great time of Kenyan worship and a message about nutrition from the kitchen staff which was very practical for families once they return home. Lindsay gave an awesome message about the story of Jonah, and we sang Jesus loves me with everyone.
Finally, we said a bittersweet goodbye to everyone we have had the privilege of meeting, and their sincere welcomes and blessings touched each of us. As we returned to our guesthouse, we had dinner with Pastor Victor and had a visitor named Samuel- Samuel's church (specifically women) makes spears, jewelry, etc. and sells them so the creators can feed their families; this is amazing work, as the women in his tribe are rarely able to make money for their families. We enjoyed being able to support his amazing mission, and hear about the unique way God has called him to work. Lastly, we got to hear Landon's testimony and spend time debriefing, examining how we will leave as changed people and incorporate what we've learned here into our daily lives.

We are not quite ready to leave, but I am so excited to share our stories and the year long work CURE does every day as we return home. And I think everyone is ready to see their families:)
- Kendall Miller