HS Kenya 2022 Day 4

Kenya Team Blog 



    Today the team woke up to a meal of oatmeal and eggs prepared by Kirby and Sarah at 7:15. After cleaning the kitchen, we headed up to the hospital where we followed a schedule similar to the past two days. We headed in pairs to our daily devotionals with different staffing groups throughout the hospital (Nursing, Maintenance, Kitchen, etc.), where we discussed the importance of keeping God at the forefront of our minds as we prioritize Him in everything. While Helmsley and Lindsey headed to the kitchen, the rest of the team met Pastor Philip by the playroom and headed to CURE's outpatient department to spend the day ministering to the families who were there. Today's craft was an elaborate paper depiction of Moses parting the Red Sea. By going around to families and sharing this craft, it opened the door to conversation about the goodness of God. We talked with both guardians and kids about God watching over His children, and how He watches over us too. Kendall and Chloe led the patients in worship songs, followed by a reenactment of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and through the Red Sea. Soon after the performance it was tea time. We were able to briefly discuss our plans for the remainder of the day with Reverend Victor while enjoying local tea and snacks. Our plans finalized, Helmsley and Lindsey went back to the kitchen, Jackson and Landon made their was to help the groundsmen with the property, and the others headed back to the outpatient area to continue work there. Aside from a lunch break at 1:00, which we spent listening to Pastor Philip's powerful testimony, each group spent the next few hours working on their respective tasks in their areas. Helmsley and Lindsey learned how to make ugali, a Kenyan dish made with maize flour and water. Jackson and Landon helped Tevven clean up CURE's playground and maintain the beautiful plants on the property. Kirby, Sarah, Kendall and Chloe continued to spread The Gospel throughout the outpatient building. Around 4:00, it was time for fellowship in the ward. Helmsley and Lindsey led in worship, followed by Landon leading a bible study on hope.


After fellowship our day at the hospital was done, so we headed back to the guesthouse. We came home to an amazing gift. Christine had made us a cake and George made us his famous guacamole. We enjoyed the dinner Christine had prepared for us. After dinner, George offered to take us on his favorite walk here and everyone eagerly put on their shoes. We set off down the road and had walked for about 30 minutes when we reached the lookout. It was a bridge overlooking a stunning valley giving way to an even more stunning sunset.


We spent only a few minutes there, but it was the most memorable part of the day. We headed back as the sun was going down, and watched the rest of the sunset from the porch. The team went inside and finished off the night by debriefing and Lindsey shared her testimony.


- Landon Souder

- Landon Souder