June Blog – Women's Ministry

Grandma’s Front Porch – Grape Soda

Hopefully you are familiar with my stories about my grandparent’s home. But if you are new to this series, the setting is Fairfield, Iowa, 1970-79, during the summertime when it’s hot, humid, the soil is dark smelling richly with nutrients and the refreshing sentiments I hold in my heart having treasured in my mind are about this era gone by.

Rolling back the pages of time in my mind and settling into my grandparents' small kitchen where many a soul gathered in laughter, smiles and always a little something to enjoy with family. It was humble. White cupboards hung on one wall with narrow steel oblong handles. A modest slightly off-white laminate countertop with little flecks of color in it and a white porcelain sink centered in the middle of the countertop. A small window adorned the wall over the sink with a few trinkets on the sill. The window framed the green grass in the backyard with a lush garden just beyond that was bordered by bushes of plump blackberries which engulfed an apple tree in the middle of the patch, red raspberries to the side and clumps of tall whimsical daisies that stretched up tall in the mid-west warmth. Bees were busy gathering nectar and birds were always singing somewhere.

The day was slow and warm. The morning air, compared to Colorado, was thick and heavy. The temperature, while the inside of my grandparents’ home, was slightly cooler, the difference was minuet compared to the natural density of the lower altitude. Outside on the narrow, slightly broken from the enormous Oak roots, the sidewalk ran the length of the block. My sister and I rode back and forth repeatedly for hours on a scooter and a bike. At lunchtime we were called inside for a cheese sandwich on white bread.

This day was special. My grandmother had soda. She had never had it before that I could remember AND there were choices. With the incredible sweet tooth I had (and still do) I chose grape soda. The kind that is the “off-brand” or store brand of the otherwise expensive blend of the same flavor. We sat at her just off-white kitchen table from years of use, which had a steel vertical band that ran around the perimeter as a border edging it to finish the look of the tabletop. The chairs were plain with a slightly padded seat. But I was so excited. Oh my gosh … grape soda in a tin can!!!

I slipped my small finger through the tin loop of the opener and grasped the can with my other hand. I pulled back on the tab and was instantly shocked, giggled and gasped all at the same time. I looked all around the white kitchen, cupboards, countertop, table, and yes, the ceiling … the grape soda had exploded full force everywhere! What a mess. What disappointment. And at my age so amusing too. My grandmother and mom, “let” me help clean up the mess. Though not my fault, because I hadn’t shaken the can, the mess still was apparent and took a long time to clean. Sadly, no more grape soda was left in the can and I don’t remember ever having another in my time of going to visit.

Sometimes when we least expect it, when everything is going good, life can get messy. I am reminded of God’s faithfulness in these times, His forgiveness and His relentless pursuit of us, washing us clean and welcoming us into His forgiveness and mercy with open arms. May you be blessed by receiving His forgiveness today and every day.

- Traci Hollingsworth