Before You Begin...
Have the following information ready before you begin the application. You’ll need to complete the app in one sitting.
- A Completed Resume
- A 60-second video of why you would like to be an intern/resident
- Emails and phone numbers of three different references
- If applying for a creative position, a link to your design/photography/writing portfolio
- If applying for a Worship Leader position, please include YouTube links of you singing & playing from either acoustic or keys (required). Please sing & play each song in its entirety. It is fine to use a phone to record.
- Leading from Keys:
- “What a Beautiful Name” by Hillsong (Sing Melody)
- “In Christ Alone” by Passion (Sing Harmony)
- Leading from Acoustic:
- “Firm Foundation” by Cody Carnes (Sing Melody)
- “Son of Suffering” by Worship Initiative (Sing Harmony)
About You
What are your hobbies? is required.
What’s your favorite color? is required.