Monument Seniors

Who WE Are

We value gathering together as senior adults who love the
Lord Jesus and seek to glorify God in all we do.

We value Bible-centered teaching and discussions, times of singing and worship, a vibrant prayer ministry, opportunities to build community, and opportunities to serve our church, city, and world.

When We Meet:

Tuesdays at 10 AM

Where We Meet:

Monument StudentS Room (second floor)

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group members and other important information.


upcoming events

Click on the events below to learn more.

Upcoming Events

Special Event:
Creation, The Ark & Fabulous Nashville 

6 Day Trip 
September 24-29, 2025

A tour to Nashville is being offered by Woodmen Valley Chapel Senior Adults with escorts Dave and Val Higgins. The tour will be led by Christian Tours. To learn more about the trip and all it entails, click the button below. 

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

We are a fellowship of adult singles and couples that love the Lord Jesus and seek to glorify God in all that we do. Our class is a small part of a great church where older adults can enjoy fellowship, receive love and support, and grow in their faith.

We meet at 10 AM on Tuesdays at the Woodmen Valley Chapel Monument Campus in the Students room.

We want to help you grow in your Christian faith by:

  • Understanding God’s word and how it applies to your life.
  • Loving you, praying for you, and supporting you.
  • Standing beside you and helping you carry your burdens.
  • Providing opportunities to love and serve others.
  • Equipping you to help others grow in Christ.

While many members have gray hair, any age is welcome. If you love the Lord and want to learn more about Him, you will be welcome and will fit in.

When you visit during our weekly meeting time, you will have an opportunity to sign up. We will ask for your name and contact information. At that point, we will take a photo for our directory and name tag. Name tags are on a table just outside our south entry door. If you want, we can add you to our email list for news and events.

Singles are definitely welcome. Approximately one-third of our class members are singles. The single ladies often gather to eat out and support each other.

Definitely, yes! We use a public address system during singing, praise/prayer time, discussion and lessons.

We are more than a Bible class. We have multiple social events each year, including a Christmas meal, potlucks, and small group dinners. Reach out to Dave Higgins for more information.
