IN THE ATRIUM: Arrive 15 minutes before the hour, participants should arrive at 10 til. Hand out prayer sheets for participants to pray through during the hour. 

DOORS OPEN:  At 5 til of top of the hour, doors should open and the previous group should begin to wrap up.

PRAYER: Once the doors open, everyone can enter and take a seat. You'll thank everyone for coming, then break up into groups as needed, and pray for the rest of the hour.

WRAP UP: At the 5 til the hour, you'll open the doors and thank people for coming, everyone should begin to exit as the next group enters to pray.

Sign up to host an hour below. Two spots are available for each hour. For safety reasons, it would be ideal to have at least one guy for the hours between 11 pm and 6 am that could make sure folks get to their vehicles safely. 

24 Hours of Prayer Leaders
