Senior Adults


Weather ALERT

Thursday, March 16: In-person Legacy is canceled but scroll down to view the livestream. Stay safe & warm!

Woodmen's Senior Adults Ministry

Woodmen recognizes the amazing worth and value of those who have reached the midpoint and beyond stage of their life. Rich with experiences and talents, we believe it can be the season of greatest significance!

Watching the vitality of Woodmen’s Second-Half community gives confirmation that we have developed a younger view of old — “60 is the new 50” is our mantra. In this life stage, we consistently see many making the “largest footprint of their life” for the Kingdom of God.

At Legacy events, we do not check IDs — instead we encourage participants to “age-define” and join any programs that are relevant and fulfilling. It is a ministry where both singles and couples are welcome.

Legacy Thursday is the centerpiece of programs and activities. Programs vary but usually include a time of music, worship, Bible study, fellowship and friend-making enhanced by refreshments. The first Thursday of each month usually includes a meal. Due to different WVC activities throughout the year, the meal dates and locations change so make sure you check the Thursday Gathering for the latest information. Thursdays, 10:30 AM Rockrimmon Community Center Gym Singles and couples of all ages are welcome. Come expecting to be encouraged and accepted.

Weather note: If Academy District 20 DELAYS or CANCELS, Legacy is canceled

Please contact Dave Higgins by email or call 719-388-5000 for more Legacy information.


Golden Oldies Concert Recording
